Group Members

Principal Investigator (PI)

Prof. Herana Kamal Seneviratne

Ph.D., Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 2017

B.S., University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2011

Postdoctoral Fellows, Graduate, and Undergraduate Students

Nav Phulara

Honors and Awards: International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics Travel Award 2023; GSA Professional Development Grant 2023; Nominee, Highlighted Trainee Author, Drug Metabolism and Disposition; Outstanding Poster Award, 15th Annual Frontiers at the Chemistry-Biology Interface   Symposium

Research Project: Understanding nucleotidase-mediated drug dephosphorylation and drug-induced neurotoxicity using mass spectrometry imaging.

Nimalee Jayasekera

Research Project: Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of drug-induced cardiotoxicity using mass spectrometry imaging-based spatial omics.

Katelyn Ebersol

Maisa Khan

Anderson Rivas

Honors and Awards: President’s List; Maryland State Seal of Biliteracy; National Hispanic Award; Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Scholar

Elise Sadorra

Cora Caplan

Mia Coon

Alexander Hwang


Group Alumni

McKenzie Hall

Honors and Awards: President’s List, Dean’s List

Research Project: Determining protein expression alterations during pancreatic cancer.

Jr. Mkpasi

Honors and Awards: President’s List, Dean’s List

Miriam Fountain

Liam Forton

Honors and Awards: President’s List; URA Award

Research Project: Elucidating disease states through the mapping of neuropeptides using MALDI mass spectrometry imaging.

Yoav Margolis

Research Project: Investigation of lipid metabolism alterations during neurodegenerative diseases.

Logan Harris

Honors and Awards: Dean’s List; UMBC Merit Based Scholarship; John Brown Award Nominee; William C. and Gregory O. Faith Endowment Scholarship

Research Project: Sexual dimorphisms of lipid localization in mouse brain.

Elizabeth Maloy

Honors and Awards: URA Award; ACS Analytical Chemistry Award 2024

Research Project: Developing MALDI mass spectrometry methods to detect antiretrovirals.

Ethan Pilat

Maxine Akunnakwe